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At the Past Times Group some play games such as scrabble and dominoes, while others come for the chat.  We enjoy having tea, coffee cakes, and biscuits and the group is made up of church folk and people from the local community.

Meets Mondays 1.30-3pm

in the Steven Meeting Room

For more information contact the church at

Past Times

We meet to pray for the needs in our community and in our church.  We invite people to write their prayer requests and hang them on our prayer tree throughout the month. 

Meets 3rd Sunday of the Month 12.30pm in the Main Hall  

(following morning worship)

Prayer Group

The Memory Club, in partnership with Alzheimer’s Scotland, welcomes anyone affected by dementia and their carer.

Meets Thursdays fortnightly 10.30am-12pm in the Main Hall

For more information contact the church at

Memory Club

Our book club is a lively group that meets online or in a member’s home throughout the year to discuss books we have chosen to read as a group.  Mostly though we’re keen for good chat and enjoying each other’s company.  

For more information contact the church at

Book Club

The Badminton Club provides an opportunity for members of the congregation and the local community to meet informally.

Meets Mondays 7.30-9pm in the Games Hall

For more information contact the church at


Calling all theatre lovers!  We attend touring musicals and plays throughout the year.  We purchase tickets as a group ahead of time to be afforded the discounted rate.  Do join us for our next outing.

For more information contact the church at

   theatre club

The choir typically prepares special services for our Easter and Christmas seasons.

On hiatus during building work

 Meets Fridays 7.00-9.30 in the Small Hall

For more information contact the church at





We’re a group for younger people in the congregation who meet up for fellowship. We rotate meeting in each other’s homes and share a meal together. 

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