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Building Project



March 2024 Update:

On 3 March we welcomed congregation and community back into our beautifully refurbished halls.  From then we continue to worship on Sunday mornings and welcome back many previous and new groups/organisations to our building.  We are grateful to Rev. Adam Dillon and the congregation of Sherbrooke Mosspark Parish Church who showed us such warm and genuine welcome during our displacement from our building during construction.  We were also blessed with fantastic neighbours in Neptune Club who showed such gracious hospitality during this time. 


We are hopeful that with these improvements and increased building usage by various community and commercial groups, we will grow a financially sustainable model going forward.  Our heartfelt thanks to Gary MacFarlane with Designed to Succeed who shepherded this project with us, Raymond Angus our architect, and our builders with Remington Developments.


There is much to celebrate, but looking forward there is still work yet to be done.  We are hopeful to see our toilet refurbishment (which had to be left off of the majority of works due to budget constraints) start later this year as funding from the area partnership grant releases.  We continue negotiations with the Reconnect Theatres and the General Trustees to repurpose our previous sanctuary into a community theatre space.  We sincerely thank everyone who supported us thus far financially, tangibly, and prayerfully. 

A huge thank you to our funders who made this refurbishment possible:

The Church of Scotland General Trustees

Baird Trust

Ferguson Bequest Fund

Beatrice Laing Trust

Bellahouston Bequest Fund

Joseph Rank Trust

Benefact Trust

Garfield Weston

Govan Area Participatory Budgeting

The congregation of Ibrox Parish Church

July 2023 Update:

Our building project has finally been given the green light! Construction will begin on 10 July and is anticipated to last 4-5 months.  We will have a final service of celebration in our building on 9 July at 11am.  From 16 July, for the duration of the works, we will worship on Sundays with our cluster partners at Sherbrooke Mosspark Parish Church (240 Nithsdale Road G41 5AD).  Please note their worship starts at 10.30am!! 

It is not too late to support our project.  We are still short of our full funding goal, though the phasing structure of th eproject allows for the majority of the work to proceed.  Please consider a one-time gift towards our building project so we can include now as much of the intended work as possible.

March 2023 Update:

We have received additional funding from the Joseph Rank Trust (£25,000) and from Garfield Weston (£25,000). Many thanks to those finders for supporting our vision to create modern and sustainable community space. We are awaiting the approval of the Glasgow Presbytery Mission Plan before building work can begin. Thank you for your patience as we sort out these last permissions and hopefully begin work soon.’

October 2022 Update:

We have received all permissions through the city and have gone to tender with a builder.  With those in hand, we are in the process of applying for the remaining grants we've identified in hopes of closing our funding gap.  Depending on turnaround timings from funding bodies, we hope for work to begin soon after the new year.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far.

November 2021 Update:

In July 2021 we submitted our plans to the city council and for planning permission and still await their decision.  Once this is granted, we will be able to pursue our remaining list of grant and funding bodies that require both planning permission and tenders to apply.

We are currently about 75% of the way funded and are looking for a final £130,000 to be fully funded.  We completed a capital fundraising campaign amongst our congregational members in autumn 2020 and received pledges of support of £45,043 (including gift aid) over the next 4 years. 

We are so grateful to the generosity of our members and to the following organisations for their support of our project:

  • Ferguson Bequest £10,000

  • Church of Scotland General Trustees £75,000

  • Bellahouston Bequest £10,000

  • Baird Trust £10,000”


Overview of Building Project:

Our future is bright if we all shine our light!  From a visioning day in November 2018 Ibrox Parish Church has taken difficult, but necessary steps to create a more sustainable future. We are a multigenerational church who has a heart for the community. We want all who come through our doors to feel a sense of ownership and pride.

This plan shows a reduction of our previous footprint by nearly half and reimagines the remaining space to be energy efficient, multi-functional, bright and welcoming.  Improvements will bring running costs within budget and keep our doors open long-term to be a resource and hub for the community.  We hope you will consider investing in our future together. 


Click on any number to get an artist's depiction of our goals!

Detailed Plan


1. Entryway
2. Foyer
3. Hall

4.Stage Area

4. Stage Area

5.Small Hall

5. Small Hall


1. Modernise the heating, lighting and electrics and sort the water ingress from the roof -


Improvements to the Sanctuary, with its rear meeting rooms.


Develop a café area with improvements to the Kitchen and Servery

Improvements to the Sanctuary, with its rear meeting rooms.


Create an attractive Foyer, rooms, new toilet area, and Foodbank

Improvements to the Sanctuary, with its rear meeting rooms.


Redevelop the Games Hall and improve the heating -

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